Here is what to expect at a Restoration House Night of Prayer and Worship:


Expect to pray with people you may or may not know. This is the most important part of Restoration House. We are committed to seeing spiritual revival in Boston, we are committed to restoration. The funny thing about revival is that there is no amount of work we can do to make it happen other than admitting we are helpless and in need of a mighty Savior.

Tim Keller points to three specific types of prayer that the Church prayed during each of the Great Awakenings in his book Center Church:

  1. A request for grace to confess sins and to humble ourselves
  2. A compassion and zeal for the flourishing of the church and the reaching of the lost
  3. A yearning to know God, to see his face, to glimpse his glory

During the event we will break up into small groups and pray with each other about a specific topic for a few minutes. The Lord works through the prayers of his people, so let's pray.


Expect to sing songs about how great God is. The Lord is enthroned on the praises of his people (Psalm 22:3). We sing because it is good to declare to the Lord and to each other that he is God and we are not. Music is not worship, but it is a powerful vehicle for worship that ministers to our souls and is a blessing to Jesus. 


Expect to be encouraged by the testimony of faithful men. When David was discouraged, he would remind himself of all that the Lord did in the past (Psalm 77:5-6). Restoration happens both in and around us when we are reminded of how the Lord works in our spiritual family. 


Expect to eat good food. Community happens around food, it's just the way it is. We will always have tremendous food and non-alcoholic drinks available before, during, and after the event to give everybody the opportunity to meet new people and create friendships and relationships that outlast the events.