Thank you for joining us to pray for New England! Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to livestream our event, but please join us in prayer with those around you using the prayer prompts below.



Lord, please give us the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to see Jesus Christ, our Messiah and Savior, the Lord of Glory, high and lifted up. [Isaiah 6]

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:2

Song: Hosanna
Song: Only a Holy God



Lord, let your ear be attentive to hear the prayer of your servant confessing the sins of Your people which we have sinned against you, and grant us mercy. [Nehemiah 1]

Scripture: 1 John 1:1-10

Song: Shout to the Lord/Heart of Worship

Song: It Is Well


Local Church

PRAYER (GROUPS): Lord, please cause your Church to be obedient to your Word and ready for every good work. Please help us to stand in faith covered in Your armor that we may extinguish the flaming darts of the evil one. Please strengthen our pastors and their families as they seek to lead in truth. [2 Timothy 3, Ephesians 6]

The Lost

PRAYER (GROUPS): Lord, please grant to your servants to continue to speak your Word with all boldness. Please open the eyes of our friends and family members to believe in the Gospel, surrender their lives, and confess that Jesus is Lord. [Acts 4, Romans 10]
Song: Living Hope

Song: In Christ Alone