Elder / Church Leader Affirmation
As a pastor / elder of Local Church, I affirm that this Member is a member of our Local Church in good standing. I have read and understand the following Restore: New England Mission and Vision Summary. I recognize and affirm Member’s involvement in Restore: New England events.
R:NE exists to gather gospel-believing men and women who are submitted to the authority of Scripture and the local church to seek the Lord through prayer meetings throughout the year in order to confess and repent of sin, beseech the Lord to flourish the local church, and vocalize our yearning to know God, to see his face, and glimpse His glory in a way that aids and encourages local churches throughout New England to continue faithfully pursuing the Lord and the lost.
R:NE is a group of men and women who believe that the Lord answers prayer (Matthew 7:8) and that He can bring widespread revival when His people humble themselves, repent, and seek His face (2 Chronicles 7:14). We believe that this kind of revival and life transformation happens when men and women are submitted to the authority of the local church and invest in the relationships and growth that happens through the local church (Hebrews 13:17). Each volunteer who plays music, sings, or speaks at an event is a member of his or her own respective local church.
R:NE hosts nights of prayer throughout the year where men and women gather to sing, pray, and hear a message from Scripture. The focus of these events is praying throughout the event in small groups, encouraging everyone to pray with people they have not met before.
We exist to support the mission of the Church, namely, to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), and we recognize the importance of humbly kneeling before our Lord in prayer and asking Him to open our eyes and the eyes of New England.
Our lives are changed when we see the Lord as He has revealed Himself to us (Exodus 34:29) in Scripture and in turn see ourselves for who we are. Any event hosted by R:NE is meant to exalt Christ as He is revealed in Scripture and to remind all who attend of the great salvation by which we have been saved (2 Peter 1:9).
The Lord is in the midst of gatherings that take place in His name (Matthew 18:20), and so we gather in order to meet with the Lord and pour our hearts out to Him to save our neighbors and restore in us the joy in our salvation that we may teach sinners His way (Psalm 51:12–13).
The Lord has moved throughout history - and especially in New England - when local churches preach the Word faithfully and regions of believers gather together to pray “extraordinary prayers” that focus on confession of sin, flourishing of the local church, and a yearning to know God.
The Lord works through the leadership and fellowship of the local church, so R:NE is effective insofar as it aids the fulfillment of the mission of the Church. R:NE exists in order to host events that give church leaders an opportunity to be fed and encouraged outside of the typical Sunday worship service.
Every tribe, tongue, and nation will gather one day and bow the knee and declare the worthiness of Jesus (Revelation 7:9). R:NE exists as an opportunity for believers to gather together across denominational and geographical lines with the intended purpose of uniting in our belief of the Gospel and adoration for Jesus.
We want to accomplish the following with our events:
See the Lord revive and restore the the spiritual brokenness in New England through prayer
Encourage local church leaders in their Gospel work
Encourage and mobilize men and women to remember their salvation and share it with the world
Provide resources for local churches who want to host a prayer gatherings but have limited people or funds